Dame Karen Bradley MP – Weekly Update (29th May 2024)

It’s week 52 of my A Year of Reasons to Visit the Moorlands and this week I am pleased to feature the amazing Endon Well Dressing.

I always tell my colleagues in Westminster about our Well Dressings, a local tradition, across the Peak District, where towns and villages create wonderful displays on and around our wells using flowers, moss, leaves, petals and a host of other materials. The many volunteers involved in the creation of these works of art start with wooden frames which they cover in clay.  This allows them to plan and draw the images which are then filled with the many different materials.

In Endon the annual Well Dressing festival takes place at the end of May starting with a blessing and then lots of celebrations and things to do and see. There is the crowning of the Well Dressing Queen, maypole dancing, a fun fair, music, dance and theatre as well as many sporting events and lots of stalls for people to browse and enjoy.

It was lovely to join the fun over the Bank Holiday weekend and also pop into the Black Horse in Endon which was full of people enjoying this special time of year. The pub has a great menu and serves food and drinks throughout the festival both inside and at their outdoor pop-up takeaway.

Congratulations to everyone involved in this year’s Well Dressing.  Endon Well Dressing and the Black Horse pub – both fantastic Reasons to Visit the Moorlands.

Finally, as you know, there will be a General Election on 4th July so this will be my last column for a while. I would like to thank everyone who has taken part in my Year of Reasons initiative and also the many businesses and organisations that I didn’t managed to mention.

Tony Mullins
Tony Mullins
Presenter & News Editor

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