A plan put forward by Bloor Homes for new homes in Cheadle has been rejected by Moorlands planners.
Bloor homes put forward a proposal for new homes on land east of Froghall Road, Cheadle.
Residents and councillors raised concerns about the development which was put to the planning committee of Staffordshire Moorlands District Council at their meeting today (Thursday 28th March).
The committee voted today to deny permission for the scheme.
A number of views were considered at the meeting.
As part of the consultation, Cheadle Town Council said;
“Cheadle Town Council have held meetings with Kingsley Parish Council in respect of the proposed development submitted by Bloor Homes. We fully endorse the planning objections submitted by Kingsley Parish Council at this time, and submit that the principal objection to this Application centres round its locational unsuitability and the fact that this land has never been identified within the Local Plan for the area. There are also a number of additional planning considerations, such as the inadequacy of the road structure and the lack of existing infrastructure in the town, and whilst these are not deemed as a material planning consideration for objection, they are certainly a very important consideration for the residents within the North East Ward. Cheadle Town Council will continue to monitor the progress of this Application alongside our colleagues in Kingsley.”