Staffordshire defibrillator charity, AEDdonate receives £67,000 grant

Staffordshire-based charity AEDdonate has received a grant of £67,000 from Local water supplier Severn Trent as part of its Community Fund programme.  

AEDdonate works with communities, businesses, clubs, and schools to raise awareness about Sudden Cardiac Arrest and teach people the correct way to deliver CPR and how to use a defibrillator, providing an attendance certificate for completion of the course. 

The grant will provide 10 defibrillators for the community, purchase of CPR manikins, running of an outreach programme to provide training, and salary for a volunteer coordinator to help them reach more people.  

The charity will also purchase an educational van that can be used to raise awareness and host drop-in sessions where people can ask questions, find out where their nearest defibrillator is and have a go at doing some CPR.  

Tony Mullins
Tony Mullins
Presenter & News Editor

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