What Can Radio Learn from the Online Casino Industry?


Radio as we know it is facing some heavy competition. But that doesn’t mean that it will go anywhere anytime soon. In fact, with streaming services reaching their point of diminishing returns, we could expect to see a return to radio as streamers want a refreshing experience. What can radio producers learn from other modern yet traditional industries – such as online casino – about remaining relevant in a changing environment?

Keep Up Content

One of the most important aspects of keeping radio popular is to keep up the level of content that listeners are accustomed to. This doesn’t mean sticking to the past but taking inspiration from the traditional platform and championing modernity i.e. playing artists who have made it big only on social media. Indeed, the online casino industry has used a modern way of delivering more traditional content to appeal to wider audiences.

The world of online casino has already borrowed from a classic gameshow to craft a game that is true to the game’s roots, while also incorporating traditional online casino gameplay. You can play a Deal or No Deal casino game that takes inspiration from the popular Noel Edmonds TV show. The show, which ended in 2016 for British audiences, works perfectly with the casino gameplay as both are capable of creating tension. By turning such an iconic gameshow into a new format, it will not only attract fans of the original, but may help new people discover the wonders of Noel Edmonds calling the banker.

Source Pexels

Keep Up Engagement

One of the benefits that radio has over other forms of listening to music is that there is a sense of community attached to it. Radio presenters can read out correspondence and bring a chattier feeling to listening to music. Many listen to podcasts, which sometimes sound polished and over-produced. Many will attest that nothing can eclipse the feeling of listening to live radio.

This level of engagement has been seen across the online casino industry. Not only does the industry reach out to players who engage on traditional formats, such as desktop PCs, but the industry has made a huge push to engage with mobile. As most people have a mobile device and many have one permanently on their person, appealing to those who want to engage with entertainment in this way is the logical solution.

Radio should ensure that it maintains the level of engagement that listeners want – which could include being more accessible on the go. But it should still retain its traditional features of the chattiness and sense of community. The online casino industry offers radio a good example of how it can combine its traditional features and benefits with the opportunities the digital age presents.

Radio isn’t going anywhere. No matter how popular streaming becomes, radio serves a different purpose. Most people don’t listen to it solely to hear music – many do so to hear interviews, chatter from presenters, quizzes and engagement from guests, and news. Some use it to wake them up on a morning in a more natural way than curating a playlist would allow. The online casino industry’s evolution to match modern digital engagement is a good lesson from how radio can do the same and ensure that it remains in style.

Source Pexels