Biddulph Festival launches with spectacular NHS @75 parade

The Biddulph festival launched today (Saturday 1st July) at 11am with a special tribute to the NHS by Biddulph Town Crier John Robinson. He was joined on the Town Hall steps by Councillor Ken Harper, Biddulph’s mayor.

Following the official opening, a parade went around the town centre made up of local organisations and schools.

The start of the parade at 11am on Saturday.
The theme for this year’s parade was 75 years of the NHS.

Biddulph in Bloom were part of the parade, paying tribute to their founder, the late Hilda Sheldon.

The Biddulph in Bloom team.
There were a number of miniature ambulances as part of the parade built by local children.
The music was fantastic!

Following the parade saw the launch of the popular ‘Biddulph by the Sea’ event, with a mini beach, fairground rides and ice-cream, candy floss etc.

Biddulph’s very own beach!

The Biddulph Festival runs from today throughout July with lots of activities taking place throughout Biddulph and the surrounding area.

There’s more information on the festival Facebook page.

Tony Mullins
Tony Mullins
Presenter & News Editor

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