With the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games just around the corner, the Queen’s Baton Relay is making its way around England – it arrives in the Moorlands on Tuesday 19 July 2022!
The Batonbearers will be making their way to through the Staffordshire Moorlands and we are all excited to be welcoming them.
Staffordshire Moorlands District Council are inviting people to come along to enjoy the atmosphere, cheer on the Batonbearers and enjoy the spectacle and entertainment on offer. Events to celebrate the arrival of the Relay are taking place at Rudyard Lake and in Leek Town Centre.
Listen to Moorlands Radio throughout the day and stay up to date with the latest on the road closures and listen to interviews with dignitaries and batonbearers.
SMDC has issued the following:
Rudyard Lake
The Relay is set to arrive shortly after 5pm when a flotilla of boats from Rudyard sailing and rowing clubs will accompany the Batonbearer across the water. Children from Horton St Michael’s Primary School will then perform a song from the Jungle Book in honour of the Lake’s namesake Rudyard Kipling.
You can watch proceedings at Rudyard from the rail trackside of Dam Head and down the path alongside the railway. The train will be running back and forth from the station car park. For safety reasons the car parking down by the lake will be closed and there will be limited parking at the Hotel Rudyard.
A free park and ride service will also operate from Sainsburys car park on a 19-seater minibus. The bus will run from the top of Sainsburys car park to the Rudyard Hotel at:
Returning after the event, the bus will leave at:
Leek town centre
Events then move to Leek town centre where the Relay is expected to arrive at around 6.30pm for a hand relay starting at Stanley Street, running down Derby Street, turning left Bath Street, into Stockwell Street and finishing for the celebration in Market Place. The Baton will be carried on the route by four Batonbearers who have been chosen because of the work they do to inspire change in their local communities.
You can watch the Relay by lining the pavements along the route.
Due to the route being through the streets of Leek there will be a number of road closures and parking suspensions on the day.
Road closures and traffic management
The Market Place will be closed from the evening of Monday 18 July. No vehicles will be permitted to park on the Market Place.
Roads affected on 19 July from 4pm – 7pm.
Please note that there may be some disruption earlier but we will be trying to limit this as much as possible.
Roads closed:
Stanley Street
Sheep Market
Russell Street
Derby Street including access via Sparrow Park
Bath Street
Due to these closures Ford Street, Market Street, York Street and Deansgate will effectively be blocked. There will also be parking bay suspensions on Derby Street and Bath Street.
Stockwell Street to Church Street (junction with St. Edward Street) A523
The A523 will be closed for the minimal amount of time possible to avoid unnecessary disruption from approximately 6.15pm until 7pm with a traffic diversion in operation. The diversion will direct traffic coming from Mill Street (Macclesfield direction) on the A523 to turn right down St. Edward Street to the traffic lights then left on to Brook Street and through to Haywood Street. Drivers will be able to turn right on to the A523 Ashbourne Road or continue to the traffic lights and junction with Buxton Road and continue on the A53.
This closure will also mean that New Street, Horton Street and Union Street will be blocked for entry and exit.
Car parks
Anyone using the car park off Market Street should be aware that it will not be accessible after 4pm. This will also be the case for Silk Street car park when approaching from Market Street but access from Stockwell Street will be possible until the road is closed at approximately 6.15pm. Vehicles will not be permitted to leave either car park following the closure of Stockwell Street.
Alton Towers
The final stop is at Alton Towers where the Baton will take the ride of its life on a rollercoaster and capture an iconic shot of the Moorlands from a high vantage point.
So please come and join us on 19 July and let’s give the Relay a warm Moorlands welcome.
*Times are subject to change.
Stay up to date with the latest on the road closures and listen to interviews with dignitaries and batonbearers on Moorlands Radio throughout the evening.
Most importantly, please ensure that you wear sunscreen and take on plenty of fluids.