Buxton Mountain Rescue – Keeping us Safe in our Hour of Need [Listen]


Buxton Mountain Rescue was formed in 1964 following a tragic accident when three scouts died in a blizzard whilst attempting the 4 Inns Walk, a 50-mile hike over some of the Peak District’s most challenging terrain.

They managed to get premises in a quarry at Dove Holes near Buxton in the early 70’s.

Today, the team is a highly efficient unit of around 60 members dealing with 100 plus calls per year. They are one of the best-equipped and best trained teams in the country.

Moorlands Radio’s News & Sports Editor Tony Walley spoke with Neil Waterhouse of the Buxton Mountain Rescue Team and what was very apparent was the sheer enthusiasm and dedication of the whole of the team.

Have a listen:

You can learn more about The Buxton Mounatin Rescue Team and maybe make a donation to them here. You can also search for them on Social Media.