Concerns have been raised that the main entrance road to a Staffordshire Moorlands village is in danger of sliding down a bank side.
Such are the major concerns regarding the road, residents of Foxt have held a public meeting which was led by Ipstones Parish Council and Foxt Village Hall Committee.
Foxt Bank is the main entrance road to the village from the A52 at Froghall. Problems have been evident for some time over the area and Staffordshire County highways have patched the road many times.
However, the road has now started to slide down towards the near embankment forming steps in the level of the highway.
Opening the debate at the well-attended public meeting parish councillor for Foxt, Councillor Mike Birch, said: “The aim of this meeting is to determine how best to communicate the joint concerns of Foxt residents and Ipstones Parish Council, to whoever can authorise and carry out the work and return Foxt Bank into what would be considered a suitable condition for road users.
“The root cause of the problem needs to be found. We also need to see if there are any coal mine workings in the area.
Chairman of the parish council and ward district councillor, Linda Malyon said the issue had been going on for years.
She said: “The road is now going to the edge of the embankment. It is a serious issue. It has now got steps in it. Someone will get hurt. The road needs urgent safety work.”
The meeting was also attended by Staffordshire county councillor for the area, Councillor Gill Heath.
Mrs Heath said: “Several years ago there was a similar problem at Longnor. The idea was to make the road a single way with traffic lights at each end.
“There have since been no complaints. You would have to build one side up first, but I think it is feasible.
“However the area firstly requires a survey, and I will get an engineer out to the site. I will immediately take this matter and your ideas and concerns to the county highways.”
Speaking at the meeting one resident said: “Properties in the area are also having problems. Culverts are broken, while other residents said: “Trees from the side of the bank were removed years ago and there has been erosion ever since, if the road was forced to be closed there would be a long diversion along single track country roads.”
Residents also pointed out that the road needed to stay open and in good condition as it would also affect businesses in the area. The highway was also used when Whiston Bank was forced to close due to lorries being stuck on the steep gradient.
It was agreed to wait until Councillor Heath reported back with some findings from county highways before recalling another public meeting.
Speaking after the meeting Councillor Malyon said: “The public meeting attracted an excellent attendance.
“Foxt Bank has been a concern for many years but recently with all the rain it is getting in a very bad state of repair, it urgently needs repair works and investigation into why it is moving, and it needs urgent remedial works carrying out before winter sets in.”
Councillor Birch said: “No-one wants the access to their homes and businesses impacted upon by road conditions or partial closures for repairs. With this in mind the people of Foxt have decided to come together using the Foxt Village Hall as a public space to meet and share information and ideas for the good of the community.
“It was a great credit to the local elected representing officers that full support was promised by representatives from the Foxt Village Hall Committee; Ipstones Parish Council; Staffordshire Moorlands District Council and Staffordshire County Council.
“During the initial meeting many people volunteered their time, expertise and support to achieve a positive outcome for this project.
“Residents then asked those people to go on and form a steering/working group that is tasked with reporting back to the larger group and achieving a positive result.”